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Please be warned that this page contains foul language and inappropriate hypothetical situations.

CNH CS 1.6 FF Atlanta USA

Date: 11/1/2004
Time: 9:08 PM
Map: fy_snow
Players: 14
Suckiness: 10/10

Kicked for an (one single event) accidental TK (only a single wrong shot) on a FF-enabled fy_snow server.  I even said I was sorry over mic and moments later was kicked and banned.  I only wish it were legal to hunt down the owners of this server and kick the f**king s**t out of them, then ban their testicles from proper function.


DISCLAIMER:  While at times I am pretty graphic on what I would like to do, please bear in mind that I have no intention of ever doing the illegal stunts I fanaticize about.  I would never harm or kill another being, nor steal their property.  When I make statements like "I only wish it were legal to hunt down the owners of this server and kick the f**king s**t out of them, then ban their testicles from proper function." I do not mean that I plan to do so.  I also do not intend it as a threat to the people I am addressing, either by name or other reference.  The statements I make are all fantasy and make believe.

Hits for this page (Since 11/1/2004): 530

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