
General Scripting 101 - Getting Started - Introduction - Weapons - Armor - FAQs

     You've decided that you want to make an armor, have you? It's not that tricky, just follow the same rules as you would Armor. Just add this code to the end of armors.cs

Simple Armor:

$ItemCost[BlacksilverPlate] = GenerateItemCost(BlacksilverPlate);
$AccessoryVar[BlacksilverPlate, $AccessoryType] = $BodyAccessoryType;
$AccessoryVar[BlacksilverPlate, $SpecialVar] = "7 610 4 65";
$AccessoryVar[BlacksilverPlate, $Weight] = 78;
$AccessoryVar[BlacksilverPlate, $MiscInfo] = "Plate armor made with plates of blacksilver.";
$ArmorSkin[BlacksilverPlate] = "rpgbandedplate";
$ArmorPlayerModel[BlacksilverPlate] = "";
$ArmorHitSound[BlacksilverPlate] = SoundHitChain;
$ArmorList[28] = "BlacksilverPlate";
ItemData BlacksilverPlate
description = "Blacksilver Plate Armor";
className = "Accessory";
shapeFile = "discammo";

heading = "eMiscellany";
price = 0;
ItemData BlacksilverPlate0
description = "Blacksilver Plate Armor";
className = "Equipped";
shapeFile = "discammo";

heading = "aArmor";

Where it says BlacksilverPlate replace it with an internal name such as SteelSpikedArmor.
Where it says "7 610 4 65" replace with desired values. eg. 7 200 would give a DEF of 200 or 4 200, 200 MDEF, etc.
Where it says $Weight] = 78; replace that with the desired weight.
Where it says $MiscInfo] = "Plate armor made with plates of blacksilver."; replace it with a description.
Where it says "rpgbandedplate"; replace with the desired skin.
Where it says SoundHitChain; replace with the sound you want it to play when the armor is hit.
Where it says $ArmorList[28] replace with the next number. Your first armor should be 27, the next 28, and so on.
Where it says "Blacksilver Plate Armor" replace with you want it to say in your inventory screen.

     That's about it. It's rather simple! All you have to do is do the same for any amount of armors you want and you are set. Make sure that the line:
$ArmorPlayerModel[BlacksilverPlate] = "";
Is set to "" for normal armors or "Robed" if your armor is a robe.

Time for the FAQs! Read them here.

Tutorial © 2001 by Particle.